Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thank you Patrick...

so somebody is moving on to bigger and better things... Congratulations Patrick!

As he's leaving the office, on his way towards the door he says his goodbyes to the few he hasn't yet already (I'm guessing)... quick pause at my desk to let me know where he'll be celebrating tonight if I'm interested... I am really happy for him but today is one of my 18 hour days and I'll be pooped... and anywho it's not like we won't be seeing each other again... but this is not the funny part... this is...

Patrick: (at my desk)... something something... where... something something... laugh... see ya
Me: laugh... Bye

and out the door he is...

The girl who sits two desks down from me, whose name I don't know, with whom I had a 2 minute conversation 3 weeks ago... jumps up from her chair, runs over to my desk... and....

Girl: (all excited) Oh my god... he just like totally asked you out!
Me: (dazed and confused unable to process what the hell she's talking about... but eventually form a thought 'Who?') I think she took my bewildered look as some kind of a response.
Girl: Yay! two thumbs up runs back to her desk

You may ask: Why this is funny? Well....
1. We've been friends for years.
2. He's happily married.... I've been to his wedding.
3. and so am I (practically married that is)

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